7 oct. 2011

Wikileaks proves that MEP Uspaskich is persecuted for political reasons

The European Parliament never saw such a striking case of political persecution as that of Viktor Uspaskich, Member of the EP, Chairman of the Lithuanian Labour Party. His political party was accused of non-payment of certain taxes, and last year the European Parliament waived his immunity. However the question is now re-opened due to the disclosure of secret notes of the US Embassy in Vilnius by Wikileaks:
  1. It is stated in the 1st secret document that the State Secretary of the Lithuanian Government told to USA diplomats that it was the Government who “engineered the departure” (or expel) of Mr Uspaskich from Lithuania. It also follows that he also confessed that the real reason of the attack by the State was quite different from the formal one: the suspicion of Ministers that he might be related to Russian secret services. However there is no even a single proof of such a relationship. Therefore, he is formally accused of something else. As a Lithuanian, I would add that we, Lithuanians, have a general cultural-historic tradition to accuse Russians of all possible problems.
  2. The 2nd secret document discloses that the Defense Minister of Lithuania told to the US Ambassador that the aim of the Governing Political Party was to remove the opposition leader Uspaskich from the post of head of the Labour Party and to put there someone else. By the way, the 2nd and 3rd Chairmen of the Party signed the final fiscal declarations for 2004 and 2005. Uspaskich (1st chronological Chairman) did not sign them. However nor the 2nd, neither the 3rd leader of the Party are even suspected of anything. Doesn’t it go in line with this secret document?
    The scope and danger of this political persecution is much wider than any of the persecutions in cases Blumenfeld, 1-123/84, Amadei, A2-0034/86, Gaibisso, A2-0101/86, Valenzi, A2-0220/86 and A2-0221/86, Herklotz, 1-321/81, Marciani, A5-0422/03, or Brok, A7-0047/2011. The Committee of Legal Affaires of the European Parliament will consider this issue on Monday.

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